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Hor Press Machines

Panamachine hot press machine consists of glass preparation table, extension group, hot press machine and exit table.


The glass preparation table allows the glass to move easily on the surface thanks to its air channels. The glass, which can be easily moved and positioned, is fixed with its vacuum feature and alignment feet, allowing application with the help of a hand tool.

After Panaspacer is applied to the glass on the glass preparation table, the prepared glass is sent to the hot press. The chemical components in Panaspacer, which go through a hot press, are activated by heat and are adhered to the glass with the help of the press.


The double glass coming out of the hot press is ready for use after it reaches the exit and measurement table and its corner is closed.

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PR-130 Hot Press Machine 130 cm  

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PR-180 Hot Press Machine 180 cm  

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PR-210 Hot Press Machine 210 cm  

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